Yang Han has black hair, glasses and is wearing a blue shirt.

Yang Han

Lecturer in International Relations

I am a DPhil candidate in International Relations and Swire Scholar at University of Oxford. My doctoral research focuses on contemporary China-Africa relations, exploring China’s outlook on international hierarchies through its discourse on Africa, theorising from the interwinement of modernity with race and gender. I have an MSc degree in International Relations Research from LSE and a BA in International Politics and BSc in Psychology from Peking University, as well as a Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education from University of London. I have also been advising international organisations (UNIDO, ILO, and UNICEF) as a gender expert/research consultant to mainstream gender (and social inclusiveness more generally) into the considerations of developing countries’ industrial and educational policies. Since 2020, I have been teaching and supervising undergraduate students in PPE/IR and Chinese Studies at University of Oxford and Ruskin College, University of West London. I am truly passionate about introducing students to International Relations and Area Studies.


My primary research interests China’s foreign policy and race in international relations. More broadly, my academic interests lie in critical IR theories, especially, poststructuralist feminism, postcolonialism, and critical security studies.

  • Research and publications

    Yang Han, Norm Entrepreneurship at the UN: Addressing Racial Equality Across Borders and the South-North Divide, In Mohsen Al Attar, Claire Smith, Binxin Zhang, and Ata Hindi, Emancipating International Law: Confronting the Violence of Racialised Boundaries, Oxford University Press (Forthcoming)

    Yang Han, Transcending dichotomy in postcolonial critiques of International Relations theories: Revisiting intellectual whiteness through Chinese scholars’ writings on sub-Saharan Africa, Millennium, Revised & Resubmitted